
CoverMe, in partnership with LeisureJobs, is now recruiting for Global brands worldwide!

Take Control of your Career!

Used, right this minute, by the world’s most trusted fitness providers

  • Fitness Providers Logobar
  • Fitness Providers Logobar

Connect with the Best Operators in the Industry

Whether you are a Personal Trainer, Group Exercise instructor or Swim Teacher, simply upload your profile to CoverMe and get connected with the UK's leading Operators, independent gyms, and boutique studios. Download, accept... Get hired!

How It Works


Download the CoverMe platform and create your professional profile.


You receive job and recruitment notifications. Accept the request that suits your schedule and disipline.


Attend recruitment days with operators. Showcase your talent and secure positions on the spot!

Get Noticed, Get Hired

Create your professional profile on CoverMe and watch your career take off. Your profile acts as your digital portfolio, showcasing your qualifications, experience, specialties, and availability—all in one place. This means you’re the first choice for hiring managers who are actively looking for someone like YOU.

🔍 Smart Connections

Our platform uses a smart algorithm to connect you with the right opportunities, based on your skills, certifications, and preferences. Spend less time scrolling and more time training.

⚡️ Quick & Simple Sign-Up

It only takes minutes to create your profile. Upload your qualifications, insurance, and start receiving job offers right away.

📲 Stay Connected

Get instant notifications about new job opportunities and communicate directly with employers through our built-in messaging system. Keep your schedule updated and never miss a gig.